Stargazers in the region can expect to be dazzled as the Delta Aquariid and the Alpha Capricornid showers will peak during the early hours of Sunday morning (July 30).

When on the lookout for meteors to pass by, it can be a waiting game but the good news is they can be seen from the naked eye so no astronomy equipment is needed.

If the current weather forecast isn’t looking too hopeful due to a lot of clouds, try looking up at the night skies in the days leading up to the peak.

It’s suggested that finding a place with a clear view away from buildings, streetlights, and trees will give you the best opportunity to catch a glimpse.

What is the Delta Aquariid shower?

The name of the shower originates from the constellation in the night sky that it appears to be travelling directly outward from.

“For the Delta Aquariids, the radiant of the shower lies inside the constellation of Aquarius near the bright star Delta Aquarii,” writes Royal Museums Greenwhich.

What is the Alpha Capricornid meteor shower?

The Alpha Capricornids don’t tend to produce many meteors, but they are known for producing fireballs.

“They’re called the Alpha Capricornids because the meteors seem to come from the constellation of Capricorn,” explains UK Meteor Network.

Where is best to see the meteor showers in London?

The website Go Stargazing has a list of spots on its website that you could travel to from London to see the meteor shower.

You will need to travel a little distance away from the region to have the best chance of seeing the shooting stars, as the light pollution is high.

If you lay down or sit to watch the shower, ensure your feet are facing southeast for the best view.

Additionally, make sure to turn off phones and torches 15 minutes before to allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness.

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