Detective Inspector Warren Arter appeared at a misconduct hearing where the panel heard evidence that he bought and took drugs including cocaine and MDMA and offered them to others.

The panel was told of evidence of him arranging to buy drugs, discussing having taken them, and offering them to others via text messages.

It heard that he tested positive for cocaine use and attended gatherings at which controlled drugs were openly being consumed but did not report this or take any other action.

The panel heard he did not take action when he was aware a man he knew was providing drugs to a woman in exchange for sex.

After a three-day hearing, the panel found Mr Arter, of the Met’s South East Command, guilty of gross misconduct, as he was found to have breached the police standards of professional behaviour for discreditable conduct, authority, respect and courtesy, duties and responsibilities, and honesty and integrity.

The allegations concerned times between 2016 and October 2018 while he was off duty, and he was dismissed without notice.

IOPC regional director Mel Palmer said: “These are very serious findings against a high-ranking officer, who a misconduct panel has found purchased and consumed illegal drugs and offered them to third parties.

“There can be no doubt that conduct such as this, though it relates to the actions of one officer, risks undermining public confidence in policing.

“There can be no place in policing for officers who do not respect and adhere to the laws they are expected to uphold. It is right this officer has been placed on the College of Policing barred list, meaning he cannot work in policing.”

Mr Arter was arrested by the Met in October 2018 for alleged misconduct in public office, relating to allegations he had abused his position for a sexual purpose, and his mobile phone and iPad were seized.

In April 2017, the IOPC began an investigation, and opened a further one when analysis of his mobile phone and iPad downloads provided evidence, in the form of texts and photographs, of him possessing and offering to supply drugs to third parties.

Both devices were also forensically tested and found to bear traces of cocaine, and the officer was suspended.

In October 2018, Mr Arter was arrested by the IOPC, which searched his home, finding drugs paraphernalia including metal straws and mini scales which had traces of cocaine.

In custody he tested positive for cocaine, and was interviewed under caution on suspicion of offering to supply controlled drugs to others, and corrupt or improper use of police powers for failing to utilise these powers when he became aware of other people possessing drugs.

In June 2020 the watchdog determined he had a case to answer for gross misconduct, and referred the case to the Crown Prosecution Service, which decided not to bring charges.

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