Popular TV personality and podcaster Louis Theroux has issued an update to fans regarding his alopecia with many rushing to his side in support.

The star, who has covered everything from well-known celebrities to the far right in America, spoke out on Instagram to update fans amid worry he’ll “freak everyone out”.

In the post, which has garnered over 15,000 likes, he said: “Oh jeez it looks like the alopecia has migrated up to my eyebrow.

“I realise you aren’t all awaiting every update on its progress but I want people to acclimatise to the new partially depilated me and not freak everyone out by suddenly appearing in public like a half-plucked elephant bird with no forewarning.

“So this is where we’re at. I’d really like to keep my eyebrows, but it’s out of my hands at this point… tho I have started taking vitamin d and something called biotin.”

‘Don’t worry we love you no matter what’ – Fans rush to support Lousi Theroux amid alopecia update 

Fans took to the comments to support Louis Theroux with one user writing: “Well done for sharing, Louis and raising awareness! My husband suffered with this on his beard and had large gaps, pretty sure it’s stress related.”

Another said: “You are a good and handsome dude with or without hair.”

One added: “Eyebrows are overrated. What do they even do? If Madonna doesn’t need them, neither do you” while another said: “Don’t worry we love you no matter what”

What is alopecia as Louis Theroux issues update to fans?

Alopecia is a disease that happens when the body’s immune system begins attacking hair follicles which in turn causes hair loss to begin in patches.

While the disease isn’t considered a serious medical condition, it can cause anxiety for those suffering from it.

The condition can have a number of causes such as age, genetics and stress.

Alopecia can be caused or worsened by stress with this being one of the most commonly sighted causes.

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